In order to receive a credit, customer must make a request therefor by sending an email message to Each request in connection with this SLA must include customer’s domain name, contact details and the dates and times of the unavailability of customer’s Web site and must be received by DNN4Less within five (5) business days after customer’s Web Site was not available. Upon confirmation of the unavailability by DNN4Less, credits will be applied within two billing cycles after DNN4Less’ receipt of customer’s credit request.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the total amount credited to customer in a particular month under this SLA shall not exceed the total hosting fee paid by customer for such month for the affected Services. Credits are exclusive of any applicable taxes charged to customer or collected by DNN4Less and are customer’s sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any failure or deficiency in the Web Site Availability of customer’s Web site.